Bradford Sound Artists | The Argent Grub

Bradford Sound Artists

09 Sep 2022

Bradford Sound ArtistsS

The first meet-up for the Bradford Sound Artists.

A couple of days ago I went to the first meet up of the Bradford Sound Artists group at FUSE Art Space.

We were not sure how many people, if any would turn up, but there were eleven of us in the end from a wide range of practice, but all with an interest in the way we can use sound creatively.

The group is meeting fortnightly, alternating between lunch times and evening. We suspect that in practice people will come once a month at their preferred time. Time will tell.

I’m particularly interested in just meeting other people and learning about their work, and seeing (Hearing!) what they do and finding out how they do it.

Keep an eye on the Bradford Sound Artists website for dates of upcoming meetings and workshops.

There are a couple of Ambisonic workshop/artist talks coming up in October, that should be fun.